Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)
Status in the Checklist Area - (5) Accidental

A slightly smaller shrike than our Northern Shrike but found in similar habitat. Despite their main diet consisting of large insects and small birds, mammals and lizards, the shrikes are still a species of songbirds like a warbler or a sparrow. Prey is often impaled on a sharp twig or barbed wire to aid in feeding (see video below). Loggerhead Shrikes occur mostly to the south of the checklist area with a breeding population in the Prairies. Declining across its range. Only five records currently exist for the checklist area. There are limited records throughout British Columbia however, and this species is mostlikely to be encountered in B.C. in the spring and early summer months.

Similar species:
With this species having only one other species in its family, the idenfitication challenge lies with the much more common Northern Shrike. To tell a Loggerhead Shrike from a Northern Shrike, there are several fieldmarks to look for. While a Loggerhead is smaller and more stocky looking, size can sometimes be misleading. The head and back is a darker grey on a Loggerhead than on a Northern but this can be subjective given lighting conditions. Key fieldmarks on a Loggerhead are a wider black mask with no white under the eye or on the lores. The bill on a Loggerhead is shorter and, on an adult bird, completely black. A Northern's bill is longer and can have a pale base on the lower mandible. Streaking on the breast is often more pronounced on Northern Shrikes but this can be absent or appear to be absent on birds viewed at a distance. Finally, a Loggerhead Shrike's throat is quite white and contrasts well with the grey neck/back and dusky breast feathers. See the photos below for further detail.

Ehrlich, Dobkin and Wheye, (1988)
Pyle, P. 1997
Sibley, D. 2000

Noteworthy Data
April 25, 2017 Hope Slide G. Monty, 2017
P. Jost
Discovered near the outhouses at the Hope Slide perched at the top of a tree. Unknown if anyone went to try and find it afterwards.
May 26, 2015 Hope Airport G. Gadsden, 2015b Located first thing in the morning along the north side of the airport just west of the terminal. Very jumpy when vehicles passed by. Was not relocated despite subsequent searches for the bird throughout the day. Determined not to be the same bird as April 1, 2015 based on wider white tips on the tertial feathers. Photographs shown below.
April 1, 2015 Hope Airport

D & T Dal Bello, 2015
G. Gadsden, 2015a
J. Gadsden, 2015

First seen and photographed April 1, 2015 (D&T Dal Bello, 2015). Identified April 3, 2015 and last observed April 4, 2015. Likely a second-year bird (born summer 2014) based on molt. Actively feeding with good success in the eastern end of the airport. See photos and video below.
Early June, 2011 Private property, Hope M. McMullan, 2011
G. Gadsden, 2011k
From initial observation date appeared ill and remained in same small group of trees along a small field at the back of the property. Body recovered June 16, 2011 from below same group of trees. Had been dead for a couple days. Aged as a second-year bird (born summer 2010). See photos below.
April 9, 1888 Chilliwack A. Brooks Specimen collected.
Audio and Video    
April 4, 2015 at Hope Airport - www.youtube.com/watch?v=b13BsLMtX_U

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