Fishtrap creek is a series of ponds created by the creek as a storm water management system. The site is two areas both of which are encircled by mostly paved paths and some wooden boardwalk. In times of heavy rains, some areas of the path especially on the south side of the East area are prone to flooding. There are two wooden observation areas one at the far East of the ponds and one in the central area by the parking lots. There is also a small island that is accessible via a small bridge.
The area is urban and in some areas residential neighborhoods are adjacent to the trail. Overall it is an easy walking area with plenty of locations to make observations of the many birds that frequent the park and ponds.
The site is popular with waterfowl and a wide variety of both diving and dabbling ducks (including Wood Ducks, Mallard, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged Teal, Hooded and Common Merganser, Bufflehead, Ring-necked Ducks and Norther Shoveler) can be found throughout the year. As well, many Canada and some Cackling Geese frequent the ponds and the adjacent sports fields). Great Blue and Green Herons are often found in the area. Steller's Jays, Northern Flickers and Kingfishers are common around the ponds. A variety of small birds can be seen and the small island is often a spot to see Bushtits, Kinglets and Warblers. Bald Eagles and Osprey are known to frequent the area and the occasional Barred Owl has been observed.

~Text and photographs by Neal Doan- January 5, 2018