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Boston Bar
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Site Guide - North Bend

Location: West of Boston Bar.

Google Map Link:

Directions: While on Highway 1, turn onto North Bend Ferry Road from Boston Bar. North Bend is on the other side of the Fraser River and Green Ranch Road and Chamoux Road are the main roads.

Habitat(s): Mixed coniferous and deciduous forest. Some fields and scrub.

Access: Paved and gravel roads; both of which are in very good shape. Mostly vehicle or roadside birding at this site.

Bird Species List: Click here to open a list of the 81 bird species seen at this site.

Target Bird Species: Veery, American Redstart, Red-eyed Vireo, Western Kingbird, Nashville Warbler and Lazuli Bunting.

Rare Species Recorded: Calliope Hummingbird, Connecticut Warbler, Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Grey Catbird

Best Time(s): Spring through fall

Recent reports: Visit the forum or eBird to see the latest reports

Nearby birding sites: Alexandra Bridge Provincial Park, Nahatlatch Provincial Park

Situated in the Fraser Canyon and west of Boston Bar, North Bend offers numerous types of habitat as it is a climatic transition zone between coast and inland. There are fields surrounded by mixed coniferous and deciduous trees. North Bend is situated very close to the Fraser River and can act as a migratory bird route.

Once across the river there are two general routes one can take. Just after the tracks is Green Ranch Road (Google Maps says Chamoux Road.) There is a stream that follows the road for the most part and the majority of vegetation is deciduous trees. After about 3km the road turns into a narrow dirt road.

The other route is travelling north on Chamoux Road. Once across the bridge from Boston Bar, continue on Chamoux Road. This road will eventually lead to Nahatlatch Provincial Park. The first 10km or so is paved road and then turns into a nice gravel road.

Although there are no trails, both roads offer fantastic opportunities to park and walk the roadsides.


Because North Bend is a transition zone, there is great bird diversity. Spring through Fall offer the best opportunities to see birds. Lazuli Bunting, Veery, Nashville Warbler and many other songbirds are common in both areas.

Starting off on Green Ranch Rd takes you through a small field where there will be Lazuli Bunting and White-crowned Sparrows singing. Immediately after, there is a small pullout where one can park and walk the road. Here, there is a pair of Redstarts that nest. Warblers and vireos will be common here as well.

The first 5km or so of Chaumox Rd allows many opportunities to park on the road and walk. Chipping Sparrows, Western Tanagers, and warblers will be common. A Gray Catbird has been documented near the clinic and Veery are also seen here annually. The summer of 2014 had a Yellow-billed Cuckoo calling behind the clinic. As well, a sight record exists for a Connecticut Warbler seen during the summer in 2002 not far from here. There was a marsh west of the tracks in North Bend that had Sora and Virginia Rail.

Around the 6km mark there is a large field that will have breeding Western Kingbirds and Lazuli Buntings. Northern Goshawk have been seen further up the road.

~ By Chris McDonald, August 6, 2013


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