Accidental Bird Species of the Checklist Area - March 31, 2016

The following list is a summary of bird species that have an accidental status in the checklist area which encompasses the Fraser Valley which includes Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Manning Park and Boston Bar and all points between. Most of these accidental species have ten or less documented records or are otherwise generally not recorded in the checklist area on an annual basis. Click on the species' name in blue to see more information about the species and its supporting documentation. This list will be regularly updated as more information is located and as each species' account with supporting documentation is created.

If you have any sightings or pictures you would like to contribute to the site, please contact us.

- Ducks, Geese and Swans -

Ross's Goose (1 hypothetical record)
(h). (1) Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford. Spring 1896. A. Brooks (Field notes, cited as not able to confirm)

Brant (6 records)
6. (1) Sardis Pond, Chilliwack. October 6 - 15, 2015. J. Pap (Photographed)
5. (1) Sardis Pond, Chilliwack. November 8, 2013. D. McKay (Photographed)
4. (1) Harrison Lagoon, Harrison Hot Springs. October 29 - November 1, 2013. I. Nelson, J. Perrin
3. (4) Island 22 Regional Park, Chilliwack. March 13, 2012. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
2. (1) Sardis Pond, Chilliwack. November 28, 2004 . R. Whyte, G. Gadsden, D. Knopp, (Field notes, Photographed)
1. (1) Hatzic Lake, Misson. October 11, 2000. G. Gadsden, D. Lewis, (Field notes)

"Bewick's Swan" (5 records)
5. (1) Hopedale and Adams Road, Chilliwack. February 9-10, 2006. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
4. (1) Nicomen Island. January 12, 2003. J. Vooys. (Field notes)
3. (1) Abbotsford. February 3-24, 2002. D. Bastaja. (Field notes)
2. (1) Kilby Provincial Park. January 2, 2002. J. Vooys (Field notes)
1. (1) Kilby Provincial Park. December 1-12, 2000. M. Brown, D. Knopp (Field notes)

Baikel Teal (1 record)
1. (1) Tuyttens Road, Agassiz. March 8, 2002. K.R. Jones (Field notes/sketch)

Tufted Duck (2 records)
2. (1) Sumas Bird Count, March 31, 1994. D. Knopp (Field observation)
1. (1) Harrison Lake. March 21, 1971. Campbell and Weber 1976

Black Scoter (2 records)
2. (1) Harrison Lake, November 4-5, 2015. G. Gadsden, D. Tyson (Video, field notes)
1. (3) Harrison Lake, October 20, 2009. G. Gadsden (Field notes)

- Grouse and Quail -

Rock Ptarmigan (2 records)
2. (1) Cheam Mountain, Chilliwack. August 23, 2006. D Beeke, T. Manson (Photographed)
1. (5) Cheam Mountain, Chilliwack. August 5, 2006. A Foxall (Photographed)

- Loons and Grebes -

Red-throated Loon (5 records)
5. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. October 30- November 13, 2012. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
4. (1) Matsqui Trail, Abbotsford. February 29, 2008. L Jellicoe (Field notes)
3. (1) Mill Lake Abbotsford. February 17-23 2008. S Olson (Photographed)
2. (1) Nelson Street, Mission. December 29, 2007. S. Olson, National Audubon Society (Field notes)
1. (1) Fraser River, Chilliwack. October 7, 2004. G. Gadsden (Field notes/sketch)

Yellow-billed Loon (1 record)
1. (1) Kawkawa Lake, Hope. May 28, 1993. Wayne Weber (Field notes)

Clark's Grebe (2 records)
2. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 23, 2009-November 4, 2009. G. Gadsden (Photographed, Field notes)
1. (1) Keith Wilson Road bridge at the Veddar Canal, Chilliwack. November 22, 1996. Dan Tyson (Photographed, Pers. comm.)

- Pelicans and Cormorants -

American White Pelican (7 records)
7. (1) Fraser River, Hope. April 25-26, 2015. D & T Dal Bello (Field observation and photograph)
6. (1) Ross Lake, Skagit Valley. September 9, 2006. M. Brown (Field notes, pers. comm.)
5. (1) Ross Lake, Skagit Valley. September 9, 2005 (appx). M. Brown (Field observation, Pers. comm.)
4. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. September 3-4, 2004. G. Gadsden, B. Dickey (Field notes, Photographed)
3. (6) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. April 7, 2002. J. Osterhold, T. Kohler (Field observations)
2. (1) Greendale, Chilliwack. March 23-24, 1999. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
1. (1) Ross Lake, Skagit Valley. September 3, early 1990's. M. Brown (Field observation, Pers. comm.)

- Bitterns, Herons and Ibises -

Great Egret (At least 5 records, other records being examined)
5. (2) Eagle Point Park, Harrison Mills. September 6-14, 2010. T. Cadieux (Field observation, Pers. comm) K Stewart (Field notes, Photographed)
4. (1) Willband Creek, Abbotsford. August 3-25, 2001. L. Miller (Field notes)
3. (1) Abbotsford. June, 2001. Lynn Miller (Field notes)
2. (1) Sumas Prairie Abbotsford. January 1- July 7 1995 G. Ryder (Field notes, photographed)
1. (2) Vedder Canal, Chilliwack. August 19, 1992. W. Remple (Field observation)

Snowy Egret (1 record)
1. (1) Barritt Rd Chilliwack. October 16 -17, 1994. L. Smedly, D. Knopp (Field notes)
....(1) Chehalis Flats, Harrison Mills. November 6-8, 1994. M. Toochin (Field notes)

Little Blue Heron (1 record)
1. (1) Judson Lake, Abbotsford. October 15, 1974 - January 5, 1975. B. Anderson, W. Weber. (Field notes, photographed)

Cattle Egret (6 records)
6. (3) Matsqui Trail, Abbotsford. November 10 - 23, 2001. B. Schmor, G. Gadsden (Field notes)
5. (1) Lickman Road, Chilliwack. October 26 - November 2, 1999. J. Osterhold (Field notes)
4. (1) Chilliwack Airport, Chilliwack. Late October - October 31, 1999. D. Knopp, G. Gadsden, J. Osterhold (Field notes)
3. (3) Lougheed Highway, Kent. Mid-October 1994. C. Gadsden (Photographed)
2. (1) Hatzic Lake, Mission. February 10, 1982. Birds of BC
1. (1) Agassiz. December 30, 1981. Birds of BC

Black-crowned Night-heron (3 records)
3. (1) Upper Prairie Road, Chilliwack. February 25 - March 3, 1995. D. Knopp, L. Larkin, (Photographed, video) G. Gadsden (Field notes)
2. (1) Young Road, Chilliwack. December 25, 1994. M. Ogmundson (Field observation), D. Knopp (Field notes)
1. (1) Camp River Road, Chilliwack. May, 1979. D. McPhee (Photographed)

White-faced Ibis (1 record)
1. (1) Luckakuck Creek, Chilliwack. Summer 1902. A. Brooks (Specimen)

- Hawks and Eagles -

White-tailed Kite (3 records, 1 hypothetical. The bird in 1999 is possibly the same individual)
3. (1) Adams Road, Chilliwack. April 1-May 3, 2007. C. Gadsden (Field observation) D. Beeke (Field notes)
(h). (1) Highway #1, Abbotsford. April 2004. D. Driediger (Field observation)
2. (1) Brader Road, Abbotsford. May 9, 1999. C. Buis (Field notes)
1. (1) Kilby, Harrison Mills. April 21, 1999. M. Brown (Field notes)

Broad-winged Hawk (2 records, 1 hypothetical)
2. (1) Cheam Mountain. October 20, 2015. E. Klassen, J. Vooys (Field notes)
(h). (1) Harrison Mills. September 8, 2010. M. Brown (Field observation)
1. (1) Flora Lake Trail, Chilliwack River Valley. July 2007. B & J King (Photographed)

Swainson's Hawk (11 records, 1 sight record)
12. (1) Hope Airport, Hope. September 18, 2015. L. Lalonde, I. Nelson (Photographed)
11. (1) Sumas Praire, Abbotsford. May 7, 2015. G. Gadsden (Field notes, photographed)
10. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. May 20, 2014. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
9. (1) Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford. May 22, 2013. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
8. (1) Hope Airport, Hope. June 11, 2012. G Gadsden (Photographed)
7. (1) Hope Airport, Hope. May 22, 2012. C McDonald (Photographed)
6. (2) Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford. May 11, 2012. G Gadsden (Photographed)
5. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. August 2011. J Delair (Field observation)
4. (1) Hope Airport, Hope. June 1, 2010. K Jones . (Field notes)
3. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. May 22, 2010. G Gadsden (Photographed)
2. (1) Abbotsford/Mission Highway, Abbotsford. February 11, 2008. K Stewart (Field notes)
1. (3) Matsqui Trail, Abbotsford. September 17, 2006. B Schmor (Field notes)

Ferruginous Hawk (1 record)
1. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. April 15-16, 2011. R. Toochin, L. Jellicoe (Photographed)

- Plovers and Sandpipers -

American Golden-Plover (1 record)
1. (1) Banford Rd, Chilliwack. May 6-7, 2010. R Toochin, D. Beeke (Photographed)

Semipalmated Plover (7 records)
7. (1) Campbell and Dixon Road, Sumas Prairie. September 11, 2012. D Beeke (Field notes)
6. (1) Eagle Point, Harrison Mills. September 21, 2011. C McDonald (Field notes)
5. (3) Whelpton Road, Agassiz. August 22, 2011. K. Jones (Field notes)
4. (3) Whelpton Road, Agassiz. August 16, 2011. K. Jones. (Photographed)
-- (1) Whelpton Road, Agassiz. August 15, 2011. C McDonald & G Gadsden (Field notes)
3. (2) Limbert Road, Agassiz. November 26, 2010. M. Brown (Field Notes)
2. (1) Sinclair Road, Chilliwack. August 31, 2008. G Gadsden (Photographed)
1. (1) Sinclair Road, Chilliwack. May 10, 2008. G Gadsden (Photographed)

Black-necked Stilt (3 records)
3. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. May 7, 2013. J. Maljaars, G. Gadsden (Field observation, Photographed)
2. (2) Gibsons Road, Chilliwack. May 11, 2011. G Gadsden, C. McDonald (Field notes, Photographed)
1. (1) Willband Creek Park, Abbotsford. May 16, 2001. J. Vooys (Field notes)

American Avocet (4 records)
4. (1) Harrison Lagoon. August 13, 2010. K. R. Jones (Photographed)
3. (1) Wilband Creek Park. September 2, 2009. J. Pike (Photographed)
2. (1) Wilband Creek Park. May 19, 2001. Brent Schmor (Field notes)
1. (1) Fraser River, Chilliwack. August 24, 1987. G Gadsden (Field notes)

Upland Sandpiper (1 record)
1. (1) Hope Airport. September 10-13, 2014. M. Gotz, D. Beeke (Photographed)

Whimbrel (3 records)
3. (~30) York Road, Sumas Prairie. April 28, 2015. A Toews (Photographed)
2. (51-68) Cole and McDermott Rds, Sumas Prairie. May 6-10, 2014. G. Gadsden, E. Klassen, J. Osterhold & G. Monty (Photographed)
1. (7) Appel Rd, Agassiz. May 22, 2010. M. Brown (Field notes)

Long-billed Curlew (12 records)
12. (1) Hope Airport. March 30, 2015. C. McDonald (Photographed)
11. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. April 19-20, 2013. J. Maljaars, C. McDonald (Field observation, Photographed)
10. (2) Hope Airport. April 15, 2013. M. Force & T. Plath fide C. McDonald (Field notes)
9. (1) Harrison Lagoon. June 2-3, 2012. K Loos. (Photographed)
8. (2) Delair Farm, Hope. Early August, 2011. J. Delair (Field observation)
7. (1) Sumas Central Road, Chilliwack. May 7, 2011. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
6. (3) Banford Road, Chilliwack. April 8-10, 2010. R. Toochin, J. Osterhold (Photographed)
5. (1) Banford Road, Chilliwack. April 21-23 2009. J Osterhold (Photographed)
4. (1) Gallanders Road. Chilliwack. April 12, 2009. B Maljaars (Field notes)
3. (2) Leary Park, Chilliwack. April 26-28, 2006. Jeff Overduin (Field notes)
2. (1) Bell Road, Matsqui Flats. May 7, 2003. Brent Schmor (Field notes)
1. (1) Sumas Central Road, Chilliwack. April 18, 2000. G. Gadsden, D Knopp & J Osterhold (Field notes, Photographed)

Ruddy Turnstone (1 record)
1. (1) Sumas Lake, Abbotsford. August 19, 1899. A. Brooks (Specimen)

Black Turnstone (1 record)
1. (1) Abbotsford. December 27, 2003 Abbotsford Bird Count (Field notes)

Surfbird (1 record)
1. (1) Harrison Lagoon, Harrison Hot Springs. August 29, 2015. G. Gadsden (Field notes, Photographed)

Red Knot (1 record)
1. (1) Sumas Lake, Abbotsford. August 1890. A. Brooks (Specimen)

Semipalmated Sandpiper (5 records)
5. (1) Wellsline Road, Sumas Prairie. May 3, 2014. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
4. (1) Annis Road, Chilliwack. May 14, 2013. D. Tyson (Field notes)
3. (1) Whorley Road, Agassiz. July 14, 2012. G Gadsden & C McDonald. (Photographed)
2. (1) Harrison Lagoon. August 14, 2010. C McDonald (Photographed)
1. (1) Sinclair Road, Chilliwack, August 22, 2008. G Gadsden (Photographed)

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (1 record)
1. (1) Campbell Road, Sumas Prairie. September 10-11, 2012. J Vooys (Photographed)

Stilt Sandpiper (2 records)
2. (1) Harrison Lagoon. August 15, 2010. L Jellicoe (Photographed)
1. (2) Sumas Lake. August 19, 1899. A. Brooks (Specimen)

Buff-breasted Sandpiper (3 records)
3. (1) Campbell Road, Sumas Prairie. September 8, 2012. R Toochin fide D. Beeke (Photographed)
2. (2) Sumas, Abbotsford. August 25, 1899. Campbell, R.W et al. (1990)
1. (1) Chilliwack.September, 4, 1887. Campbell, R.W et al. (1990)

Short-billed Dowitcher (2 records)
2. (1) Angus Campbell Road, Abbotsford. May 12-13, 2015. J. Osterhold, G. Gadsden (Field notes)
1. (2) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. May 11, 2011. D Beeke, K. R. Jones (Field notes)

Wilson's Phalarope (14 records)
14. (2-6) Angus Campbell Road, Abbotsford. May 7-9, 2015. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
13. (1) Wellsline Road, Sumas Prairie. May 13, 2014. H. Wall (Photographed)
12. (2) Bowman Road, Sumas Prairie. May 6, 2014. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
11. (2) Willband Creek Park. August 8, 2013. L. Jellicoe. (Photographed)
10. (2-3) Annis Road, Chilliwack. May 21 - 22, 2013. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
9. (3) Annis Road, Chilliwack. May 12, 2013. C. McDonald, G. Gadsden (Field notes)
8. (2) Hopedale Road Greendale. May 14, 2012. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
7. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. May 11, 2011. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
6. (2) Whorely Road, Agassiz. June 1, 2008. K. R. Jones (Photographed)
5. (3) Sinclair Road, Chilliwack. May 28, 2008. G. Gadsen (Photographed)
4.(1) Greendale, Chillliwack. May 22, 2008. G Gadsden (Photographed)
3. (1) Wilband Creek Park. May 13, 2004. B. Schmor (Field notes).
2. (1) Chillliwack. May 10, 2002. D. Peppar
1. (1) Unknown Location. September 9, 1888. A. Brooks

Red-necked Phalarope (10 records)
10. (3-4) Wellsline Road, Sumas Prairie. May 17-20, 2014. R. Sawatzky, E. Klassen (Photographed, Field notes)
9. (4) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. May 5, 2014. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
8. (15) Annis Road, Chilliwack. May 21, 2013. G. Gadsden (Photographed, Field notes)
7. (3) Annis Road, Chilliwack. May 12, 2013. C. McDonald, G. Gadsden (Field notes)
6. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve. August 31, 2011. B & J Clayton. (Photographed)
5. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. May 11, 2011. G Gadsden. (Photographed)
4. (1) Harrison Lake. September 9, 2010. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
3.(1) Thacker Marsh, Hope. August 10, 2010. C. Wolpert. (Photographed)
2. (2) Sinclair Road, Chilliwack. August 29-30, 2008. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
1. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. August 2001. S. Cannings (Field notes)

- Gulls and Terns -

Black-legged Kittiwake (1 hypothetical record)
(h) (1) Chehalis Estuary. October 3, 2007. K Stewart. (Field observation)

Ivory Gull (1 record)
1. (1) Page Rd, Matsqui Prairie, Abbotsford. November 10-13, 2007. C. Kinman (Photographed)

Sabine's Gull (2 records)
2. (1) Fraser River, Chilliwack. Late August/early September, 1994. M. Toochin (Field observation)
1. (1) Fraser River, Chilliwack. Late August/early September, 1993. M. Toochin (Field observation)

Little Gull (1 record)
1. (1) Harrison Lake. September 15, 2012. R. Toochin fide D. Beeke. (Photographed)

Franklin's Gull (10 records)
10. (1) Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford. October 14 - December 27, 2014. J. Vooys, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
9. (1) Dixon Road, Abbotsford. November 4 - 5, 2014. J. Vooys, B. Sawatzky (Photographed)
8. (1) Willband Creek Park, Abbotsford. September 9, 2014. A. Toews (Photographed)
7. (2) Banford Rd, Chilliwack. November 18, 2012. D Beeke, C. McDonald (Photographed)
6. (1) Harrison Lake. September 27-October 3, 2012. K. R. Jones, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
5. (1) Harrison Lake. September 5-10, 2012. R. Toochin, K. R. Jones (Photographed)
4. (1) Corner of Mountain View Rd and Agassiz Ave, Agassiz. Mid October 2008 . J. Osterhold & D Knopp. (Field observation)
3. (1) Matsqui Flats. December 14, 2002. B. Schmor. (Field notes)
2. (1) Fraser River, Abbotsford. May 2, 2002. J. Vooys (Field notes)
1. (1) Ruskin Recreation site, Ruskin Dam. November 17, 2001. B. Schmor (Field notes)

Heermann's Gull (1 record)
1. (1) Harrison Lake. November 8, 1991. J. Bradshaw (Field notes)

Iceland Gull (6 records)
6. (1) Bailey Road, Chilliwack. February 26 - March 18, 2015. M. Tabak, G. Gadsden (Photographed, video)
5. (1) Vye Road, Abbotsford. November 24, 2014. Q. Brown, L. Jellicoe (Field notes)
4. (1) Banford Road, Chilliwack. April 15, 2013. G. Gadsden (Photographed, Field notes)
3. (1) Cameron Rd, Agassiz. December 15, 2011. G Gadsden (Photographed, Field notes)
2. (1) Sardis Pond. February 2-5, 2008. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
1. (1) Chilliwack Landfill. March 1-April 17, 2001. J. Osterhold, D Knopp & T. Plath. (Field notes)

Slaty-backed Gull (8 records)
8. (1) McGuire Rd, Chilliwack. December 17, 2012. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
7. (1) Abbotsford Transfer Station. January 3, 2009- February 17, 2009. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
6. (1) East Chilliwack. January 24, 2008 G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
5.(1) Abbotsford Transfer Station. December 29, 2007. G Gadsden (Photographed)
4. (1) Matsqui Flats. November 13 -24, 2007. C. Jury (Field Notes)
3. (1) Evans Rd, Chilliwack. January 22 -28, 2006. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
2. (1) Harrison Mills. November 10, 2001. D Knopp. (Photographed)
1. (1) Sardis Park, Chilliwack. November 1, 2000. D Knopp (Field notes)

Lesser Black-backed Gull (2 records)
2. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. October 21 - 30, 2015. G. Gadsden, M. Tabak (Photographed, video)
1. (1) Whatcom Road, Abbotsford. November 5, 2014 - January 9, 2015. R. Toochin, S. Olson, G. Gadsden (Photographed)

Black Tern (6 records)
6. (1) Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford. September 7, 2013. D. Beeke (Photographed)
5. (1) Lightening Lake, Manning Park. May 15, 1980. Birds of B.C.
4. (2) Chilliwack. June 3, 1929. Birds of B.C.
3. (1) Sumas Lake. September 1, 1899. A. Brooks
2. (2) Sumas Lake. June 1887. A. Brooks
1. (1) Sumas Lake. May 29, 1896. Birds of B.C.

Common Tern (6 records)
6. (2) Harrison Lake. September 18, 2015. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
5. (1) Harrison Lake. September 3, 2015. G. Gadsden (Field notes, photographed)
4. (14) Harrison Lake. September 1, 2011. D Beeke (Field Notes)
3. (8-10) Harrison Lake. September 13, 2010. J. Vooys, E. Klassen. M. Brown (Field notes)
2. (2) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 21, 2008. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
1. (1) Ross Lake, Skagit Valley. August 26, 2000. D. Knopp & S. Aptin (Field notes)

Arctic Tern (3 records)
3. (1) Coquihalla River mouth, Hope. August 17, 2015. K. Boylen (Photographed)
2. (1) Harrison Lake. September 13, 2010. K. R. Jones (Photographed)
1. (1) Manning Park. August 7, 1968. Birds of B.C.

Parasitic Jaeger (2 records)
2. (8) Harrison Lake. September 15, 2012. R. Toochin fide D. Beeke (Photographed)
1. (1) Sumas. September, 1906. A. Brooks

Long-tailed Jaeger (1 record)
1. (1+) Sumas Lake. August 23, 1890. A. Brooks. (Specimen, Field notes)

- Murrelets -

Marbled Murrelet (10 records)
10. (1) Downtown Chilliwack. July 7, 1987. Birds of B.C. (Photographed)
9. (2) Harrison Lake. January 3, 1981. R. W. Campbell
8. (1) Harrison Lake. December 13, 1980. R. W. Campbell
7. (1) Cultus Lake. June 13, 1964. Boggs and Boggs
6. (6) Cultus Lake. April 11, 1959. R. W. Campbell
5. (6) Cultus Lake. December 28, 1936. Ricker
4. (1) Cultus Lake. May 4, 1933. Royal Ontario Museum
3. (many) Cultus Lake. Winter 1932- 1933. Royal Ontario Museum
2. (14-16) Harrison Lake. April 28, 1928. A. Brooks
1. (6) Harrison Lake. December 3, 1926. Stewart

Ancient Murrelet (2 records)
2. (1) McGuire Road, Chilliwack. November 7, 2005. D. Knopp (Specimen)
1. (1) Hell's Gate. August 15, 2005. E. LeGrand (Photographed)

- Cuckoos -

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (2 recent records. Extripated from checklist area from mid 1900's or so. Any sightings now are more than likely strays from other regions)
2. (1) Chaumox Road, Boston Bar. July 23, 2014. D. Beeke, T. Beeke (Recording)
1. (1) Ryder Lake. April 25, 1995. L. Larkin & D. Knopp (Field Observation, Field notes)

- Owls -

Flammulated Owl (1 record)
1. (1) Chilliwack. November 28, 2005. L. Phizacklea (Specimen)

Northern Hawk-Owl (6 records)
6. (1) Needle Peak, outside Hope. December 17, 2010. C. Hallett (Photographed)
5. (1) Ledgeview Trail, Abbotsford. November 26, 2008. S. Hewko (Photographed)
4. (3) Manning Park. July 1980. Birds of B.C.
3. (1) Manning Park. December 28, 2978. Birds of B.C.
2. (1) Sumas. December 4, 1904. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Sumas. November 15, 1894. Birds of B.C.

Burrowing Owl (6 records)
6. (1) Vedder Road, Chilliwack. Early January 2016. (Photographed)
5. (1) Reeves Road, Chilliwack. November 19, 2013. J. Pannekoek (Photographed)
4. (1) Agassiz. November 10, 2012. S. Kydd, G. Kalyn. (Photographed)
3. (1) Abbotsford Auto Mall, Abbotsford. December 28, 2004 - January 2, 2005. J. Vooys (Photographed)

2. (1) Chilliwack. Early April - April 10, 2003. D. Clegg (Photographed)
1. (1) Sumas Central Road, Chillliwack. Spring 1991. D. McLaughlin fide D Knopp (Field observation)

Spotted Owl (Likely extripated from checklist area after last records around 2002)

Boreal Owl (4 records)
4. (1) Eagle Point Park, Harrison Mills. February 1-2, 2011. K. Stewart (Photographed)
3. (1) Hope. January 13, 1946. Birds of B.C.
2. (1) Hope. February 3, 1914. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Sumas. January 13, 1903. Brooks (Speciman)


- Nighthawks, Poorwills and Swifts -

Common Poorwill (4 records)
4. (1) Sumas Mountain, Abbotsford. September 29, 2015. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
3. (1) Epp Drive, Chilliwack. October 15, 1997. D. Knopp (Specimen)
2. (1) Chilliwack River Road, Chilliwack. Spring 1995. D. Knopp (Field notes)
1. (1) Hope. October 1, 1964. Birds of B.C. (Specimen)

White-throated Swift (2 records)
2. (3) Yak Peak. September 13, 2013 . D. Beeke. (Field observation)
1. (1-2) Ryder Lake, Chilliwack. September 25, 2010. D Knopp (Field notes)

- Hummingbirds -

Black-chinned Hummingbird (9 records)
9. (1) Agassiz. May 21, 2013. M. Brown (Photographed)
8. (2) Delair Farm, Hope. May 16-18, 2013. J. Delair & G. Gadsden (Field observation, Photographed)
7. (1) Greendale, Chilliwack. June 1, 2010. G Gadsden. (Photographed)
6. (1) Promontory, Chilliwack. May 12, 2002. D Knopp (Field notes)
5. (1) Promontory, Chilliwack. April 25, 2000. D. Knopp (Field notes)
4. (1) Promontory, Chilliwack. August 5-12, 1993. D. Knopp (FO)
3. (1) Promontory, Chilliwack. June 3, 1988. D Knopp. (FO)
2. (1) Chilliwack. June 25, 1889. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Agassiz. May 11, 1889. Birds of B.C.

Costa's Hummingbird (4 records)
4. (1) Greendale, Chilliwack. May 12 - 31, 2015. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
3. (1) Eagle Ridge, Abbotsford. April 30 - May 6, 2008. A & L Doeksen, C. Jury (Photographed)
2. (1) Ryder Lake, Chilliwack. April 1-10, 2000. D Knopp & J Osterhold. (Photographed)
1. (1) Deerfield Crescent, Chilliwack. May 15-20, 1999. B & J Skimming, J. Osterhold, D. Knopp (Photographed)

- Woodpeckers and Sapsuckers -

Acorn Woodpecker (3 records)
2. (1) Sunshine Valley. May 16-22, 2012. B Carson. (Photographed)
1. (1) Fore Road, Abbotsford. December 27, 2010 - February 5, 2011. S. Olsen (Photographed)

Black-backed Woodpecker (2 records)
2. (1) Manning Park. July 26, 1945. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Hope. October 4, 1909. Birds of B.C.


- Falcons -

Prairie Falcon (18 records)
18. (1) Ross Road, Abbotsford. January 14, 2016. C. Buis (Photographed, field observation)
17. (1) Sumas Mountain, Abbotsford. September 12, 2015. D. Baker, P. Baker, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
16. (1) McDonald Road, Agassiz. October 30, 2015. M. Brown (Field notes)
15. (1) Banford Road, Chilliwack. May 1, 2015. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
14. (1) Marion Road, Abbotsford. December 16, 2014. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
13. (1) York Road, Abbotsford. November 13 - December 9, 2014. E. Klassen (Photographed)
12. (1) Prest Road, Chilliwack. January 1, 2014. D. Knopp (Field notes)
11. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. February 13, 2011. C. McDonald (Photographed)
10. (1) Vye Road, Abbotsford. December 1, 2010. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
9. (1) McGuire Road, Chilliwack. January 18, 2010. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
8. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. January 30, 2008. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
7. (1) Prairie Central Road, Chilliwack. December 16, 2006. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
6. (1) Young Road, Chilliwack. March 1, 2001. D. Knopp, J. Osterhold (Field notes)
5. (1) Cartmell Road, Chilliwack. January 5, 1996. D. Knopp, J. Brook (Field notes)
4. (1) Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford. Fall/winter 1995. D. Knopp (Field observation)
3. (1) Chilliwack. December 18, 1993. Christmas Bird Count
2. (1) Chilliwack. December 17, 1927. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Chilliwack. July 27, 1896. A Brooks (Field notes)

- Flycatchers and Kingbirds -

Alder Flycatcher (3 records)
3. (1) Island 22. September 5, 2011. G. Gadsden, C. McDonald (Photographed, Video recording)
2. (1) Hope Airport. June 17, 2011. M. Brown (Field notes)
1. (1) Cheam Wetlands. June 21-23 2006. G Gadsden (Field notes)

Black Phoebe (2 records)
2. (1) Kitchen Road, Chilliwack. December 14-15, 2013. D. Beeke, D. Knopp & R. Johnson (Photographed)
1. (1) Island 22 Regional Park, Chilliwack. November 8, 2011. G Gadsden. (Photographed)

Eastern Phoebe (1 record)
1. (1) Thacker Regional Park, Hope. August 31, 2013. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)

Ash-throated Flycatcher (5 records)
5. (1) Whorely Road, Agassiz. May 23, 2013. K. R. Jones (Photographed)
4. (1) Whorely Road, Agassiz. June 14, 2011. K. R. Jones (Photographed)
3. (1) West of the Mission Bridge along the dyke, Abbotsford. August 22, 2009. J. Vooys (Field notes)
2. (1) Whorely Road, Agassiz. September 2- October 12, 2007. K. R. Jones. (Photographed)
1. (1) Cheam Wetlands. September 3, 1999. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)

Great Crested Flycatcher (1 record)
1. (1) Island 22 Regional Park. October 29 - November 1, 2013. G. Gadsden, C. McDonald, E. Klassen, & J. Vooys (Photographed)

Tropical Kingbird (1 record)
1. (1) Angus Campbell Road, Sumas Prairie. October 30 - November 15, 2015. J. Vooys, J. Septembre (Photographed)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (5 records)
5. (1) Skagit Valley Provincial Park. May 12, 1995. D. Knopp (Field notes)
4. (1) Skagit Valley Provincial Park. July 1, 1994. D. Knopp (Field notes)
3. (1) Mt. Lehman Rd. October 5, 1991. Birds of B.C.
2. (1) Hope Airport. May 22-23, 1985. J. Delair. (Field observation)
1. (1) Hope Airport. June 1, 1984. J. Delair. (Field observation)

- Shrikes and Vireos -

Loggerhead Shrike (4 records)
4. (1) Hope Airport. May 26, 2015. G. Gadsden (Photographed, field notes)
3. (1) Hope Airport. April 1 - April 4, 2015. T & D Dal Bello, G & J Gadsden (Photographed, video)
2. (1) Hope early June - June 16, 2011. M. McMullan, G. Gadsden (Photographed, Specimen)
1. (1) Chilliwack. April 9, 1888. Brooks (Specimen)

Blue-headed Vireo (1 record)
1. (1) Hope Airport. September 12, 2010. R Toochin & B. Schmor. (Field observation, Field notes)

Philadelphia Vireo (3 records)
3. (1) Island 22 Regional Park, Chilliwack. September 20, 2013. C. McDonald (Field notes)
2. (1) Island 22 Regional Park, Chilliwack. November 10, 2010. C. McDonald (Photographed)
1. (1) Island 22 Regional Park, Chilliwack. September 22, 2007. G. Gadsden (Photographed)

- Jays, Crows and Ravens -

Blue Jay (13 records)
13. (1) Stevenson Road, Chilliwack. April 19, 2013. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
12. (1) Hatzic. Late October - December 2, 2012. M. Nicholl, D. Ruthaven (Photographed)
11. (1) East Chilliwack. October 6, 2012. W & C. Laanstra (Photographed)
10. (1) Ware Rd. Abbotsford. May 17, 2012. J. Schmidt (Field notes)
9. (1) Nicomen Island. The month of October 2011. P Marrion (Photographed) .
8. (1) Sardis. September 30, 2011. J & M Sugden (Photographed)
7. (1) Hope. October 18-22, 2008. T & D Dal Bello (Photographed)
6. (1) Mission. April 2 -10, 2008. fide Fraser Valley Birding (Field observation)
5. (1) Near Meadowlands Golf Course, Chilliwack. Late October, 2006. fide J. Osterhold (Photographed)
4. (1) Young Road. Chilliwack. April 30, 2003. J. Osterhold (Field observation)
3. (1) Horne Rd, Mission. December 9, 2002 - March 29, 2003.
2. (1) Hope River Rd. January 2- March 6, 1995. R & J Cleaver (Photographed)
1. (2) Chilliwack. December 20, 1986. Christmas Bird Count. (Field notes)

Western Scrub-Jay (9 records)
9. (1) Southland's Drive, Chilliwack. February 18 - March 17, 2016. C. Lodders, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
8. (1) Old Clayburn Road, Abbotsford. April 14, 2013 - November 8, 2013. S & C Jury (Photographed)
7. (1) Neilson Regional Park. November 29, 2011. G Gadsden. (Field notes)
6. (1) Yale Road, Greendale. September 24, 2011. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
5. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve. August 1, 2011. B & J Clayton. (Photographed)
4. (1) Neilson Regional Park. January 4, 2011. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
3. (1) Promontory Mountain, Chilliwack. October 2, 2010. fide C. Jury (Photographed)
2. (1) Higginson Rd, Sardis. December 17, 2005 - January 29, 2006 R. Lukow, D. Knopp, J. Osterhold. (Photographed)
1. (1) Harrison Mills. Late September - early October 2002. K. Stewart (Photographed)

Black-billed Magpie (9 records)
9. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. November 25, 2014 - January 7, 2015. M & T Yusko, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
8. (1) Maher Road, Abbotsford. November 11, 2014. D. Beeke (Field notes)
7. (1) Towne Cinema, Abbotsford. September 13, 2008. E. Klassen (Field observation)
6. (1) Fairfield Island, Chilliwack. Late November 2005. J. Osterhold (Field observation)
5. (2) Chilliwack. December 22, 2001. Christmas Bird Count (Field notes).
4. (1) Sardis. March 10-13 2001. D. Knopp. (Field notes)
3. (12) Manning Park. June 8, 1980. Birds of B.C.
2. (2) Skagit Valley. November 23, 1974. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Chilliwack. December 19, 1926. Birds of B.C.

- Swallows -

Purple Martin (6 records. Used to be a regular breeder in the area until the 1950's. Small colony nesting in Harrison Mills 2014-15)
6. (1) Lickman Road, Chilliwack. April 30, 2012. T Wierks (Photographed)
5. (6 - Breeding pair with four young) Silverdale Wetlands, Mission. Summer 2007. K. Takahashi & R. Teo (Field notes)
4. (3) Nicomen Slough. June 25 - mid July 2006. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
3. (1) Chehalis Estuary. June 25, 2006. K. Stewart. (Field notes)
2. (1) Rosedale, Chilliwack. Summer in early 1990's. D. Knopp (Specimen)
1. (1) Hope. Summer 1960. Birds of B.C.

- Chickadees, Nuthatches and Creepers -

White-breasted Nuthatch (10 records)
10. (1) Island 22. September 30, 2012. C. McDonald. (Photographed)
9. (1) Manning Park. April 17, 2012. T. Wierks (Field notes)
8. (1) Slesse Park. December 15, 2011 - January 6,2012. R. Steensland (Photographed)
7. (1) Hope Airport. June 8, 2010. B & J Clayton. (Field notes)
6. (1) Corner of Sapper Way and Cheamview Cres, Chilliwack. November 7, 2008. J. Osterhold.(Field notes)
5. (1) Hope. December 17, 2007 - April 2, 2008. T & D Dal Bello. (Photographed)
4. (1) Manning Park. July 3, 1977. Birds of B.C.
3. (1) Manning Park. October 7, 1972. Birds of B.C.
2. (1) Sumas. October 10, 1894. A. Brooks
1. (1) Chilliwack. March 29, 1891. Bird of B.C.

Pygmy Nuthatch (2 records)
2. (1) Chilliwack. October 3, 1979. Birds of B.C.
1. (1) Manning Park. April 28, 1973. Birds of B.C.

- Wrens and Dippers -

Rock Wren (12 records)
12. (1) Matsqui Trail, Abbotsford. November 10 - 12, 2015. G. Gadsden, J. Vooys (Photographed)
11. (1) Elk Mountain, Chilliwack. September 10, 2015. P. Foth (Photographed)
10. (1) Sumas Mountain, Abbotsford. September 5, 2015. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
9. (1) Hope Slide. June 18, 2014. G. Gadsden, J. Gadsden (Field notes)
8. (1) Cheam Wetlands. Late October 2007. B. Clark (Photographed)
7. (1) Hope Slide. July 5, 2006. D. Knopp (Field notes)
6. (1) Skagit Valley. April 28, 1994. T Plath & L. Miller (Field notes)
5. (1) Manning Park. June 10, 1987. Birds of B.C.
4. (1) Harrison Hot Springs. June 10, 1984. Birds of B.C.
3. (1) Manning Park. September 27, 1972. Birds of B.C.
2. (1) Location not given. Late November 1889. A. Brooks
1. (1) Luckakuck Creek. December 6, 1888. Birds of B.C.

Sedge Wren (1 record)
1. (1) Cheam Wetlands, Popkum. April 20, 2006. G. Gadsden. (Field notes/sketch)

- Kinglets and Gnatcatchers -

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher (1 hypothetical record)
1. (1) Brooks Avenue, Chilliwack. Mid December 2005. Unknown observer fide J. Osterhold (Field observation)

- Bluebirds, Thrushes and Mockingbirds -

Western Bluebird (8 records. Once bred in checklist area. Birds seen now are likely migrants)
8. (1) Columbia Valley. March 19, 2013. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
7. (6) Hope Airport. March 30, 2009. M.Brown (Field notes)
6. (1) Cutler Rd, Agassiz. March 19, 2008. K. Jones. (Field notes)
5. (1) Chilliwack. March 11, 2001. C. Mussell fide D. Knopp (Field observation)
4. (1) Chilliwack. March 1999. D. Salmon fide D. Knopp (Field observation)
3. (1) Promontory. May 30, 1998. D. Salmon fide D. Knopp (Field observation)
2. (1) Cheam Wetlands. April 1, 1972. M. Roop fide D. Knopp (Field observation)
1. (2) Cultus Lake. April 4, 1965. Birds of B.C.

Northern Mockingbird (5 records)
5. (1) Sardis, Chilliwack. September 25, 2015. September 25, 2015. G & J Gadsden (Field notes)
4. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve, Chilliwack. July 20, 2011. B & J, Clayton. (Photographed)
3. (1) Harrison Hot Springs. July 18, 2011. M. Brown (Field notes)
2. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. November 5-18, 2010. D. Driediger, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
1. (1) Sumas Prairie. October 20-25, 2002. D Bastaja (Field notes)

Sage Thrasher (2 records)
2. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. May 21, 2015. G. Gadsden, J. Osterhold, P. Jost (Photographed)
1. (1) Harrison Lagoon. April 18 - May 2, 2011. M. Brown, K. R. Jones (Photographed)

- Longspurs -

Chestnut-collared Longspur (2 records)
2. (1) Hope. June 16, 2011. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
1. (1) Hope Airport. June 5-7, 2010. N. Hughes (Photographed)

McCown's Longspur (2 records)
2. (2) Chilliwack. Date not given 1890. A. Brooks (Specimen)
1. (1) Chilliwack. June 1, 1887. A. Brooks (Specimen)

- Warblers and Tanagers -

Black-and-white Warbler (2 records)
2. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve, Chilliwack. August 12, 2011. B & J Clayton. (Photographed)
1. (1) Hope Airport. April 27, 2007. M. Placido (Field notes)

Tennessee Warbler (10 records)
10. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. August 16, 2014. D. Beeke (Field notes)
9. (1) Hope Airport. May 24, 2014. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
8. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. October 13, 2011. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
7. (1) Vedder Canal, Chilliwack. August 19, 2009. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
6. (1-2) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 21-24, 2008. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
5. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 5, 2008. G. Gadsden (Field notes)
4. (1) Maria Slough, Agassiz. August 20, 2007. M. Brown (Field notes).
3. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 5, 2006. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
2. (1) Camp Wildlife Area, Chilliwack. August 29, 2005. J Osterhold. (Field notes)
1. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. April 29, 2000. D Knopp (Field notes)

Connecticut Warbler (1 sight record)
1. (1) Boston Bar. June 22, 2002. D. Knopp. (Field notes)

Mourning Warbler (1 record)
1. (1) Morris Valley Rd, Harrison Mills. July 3, 1983. B. Kautesk fide Birds of B.C.

Magnolia Warbler (2 records)
2. (1) Bench Road, Chilliwack. May 6, 2009. J. Osterhold & D. Knopp (Field notes)
1. (1) Elk View Road, Ryder Lake. April 29, 2006. D. Knopp (Field notes)

Chestnut-sided Warbler (1 record)
1. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 16, 2007. G. Gadsden (Field notes/sketch)

Blackpoll Warbler (3 records)
3. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 15, 2012. C. McDonald (Photographed)
2. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 16, 2010. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
1. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 4, 2007. G. Gadsden (Photographed)

Black-throated Blue Warbler (1 record)
1. (1) Elk View Road, Ryder Lake. Two consecutive days in May 2001. J. Osterhold. (Field observation)

Palm Warbler (4 records)
4. (1) Hope Airport. November 5 - 17, 2015. J. Gordon, G. Gadsden (Photographed, field notes)
3. (1) Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve, Chilliwack. November 19, 2013. B & J Clayton. (Photographed)
2. (1) Eagle Point Community Park. May 3, 2008. K. Stewart. (Photographed)
1. (1) Abbotsford. January 3, 2008. E. Klassen (Field notes)

Yellow-breasted Chat (3 records)
3. (1) Columbia Valley. June 17, 2014. B. Stetch (Photographed)
2. (1) Hope Airport. May 29 - June 11, 2010. G. Gadsden, R. Toochin, B & J Clayton. (Photographed)
1. (1) Sumas Prairie. May 26, 1897. A. Brooks (Specimen)

- Sparrows -

Nelson's Sparrow (1 record)
1. (2) Bradner Road, Abbotsford. September 19, 1998. G. Ryder (Field notes)

American Tree Sparrow (13 records)
13. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. March 27 - April 1, 2014. J. Osterhold, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
12. (1) Agassiz. December 20-21, 2013. M. Brown (Photogrpahed)
11. (1) Thacker Regional Park, Hope. December 11, 2013. M. Force (Field observations)
10. (1) Harrison Lagoon. November 18-19, 2013. J. Perrin (Photographed)
9. (1) Parr Rd, Chilliwack. November 7, 2012. J. Osterhold (Field notes)
8. (1-2) Harrison Lagoon. October 27- 31, 2012. C. McDonald (Photographed)
7. (1) Hope Airport. October 25, 2012. G Gadsden. (Photographed)
6. (1) Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve, Chilliwack. October 25, 2012. B & J Clayton. (Photographed)
5. (2) Chaplin Rd, Agassiz. December 15, 2010. J Osterhold. (Field notes)
4. (1) Harrison Mills. December 1, 2010. K. Stewart. (Photographed)
3. (1-2) Harrison Lagoon. November 19-23, 2008. K. Jones. (Photographed)
2. (1) Hope. December 18-28, 2008. D & T Dal Bello. (Photographed)
1. (3) Martin Rd, Agassiz. December 21, 2007. K. Jones. (Field notes)

Clay-coloured Sparrow (10 records)
10. (1) Skagit Valley Provincial Park. May 10, 2014. B & J King (Photographed)
9. (1) Harrison Lagoon. October 11-13, 2013. E. Klassen & G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
8. (1) Harrison Lagoon. September 7, 2013. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
7. (1) Hope Airport. September 3, 2013. C. McDonald, D. Beeke. (Photographed)
6. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. May 31, 2013. R. Toochin fide D. Beeke. (Photographed)
5. (1) Hope Airport. September 22, 2012. R. Toochin fide D. Beeke. (Photographed)
4. (1) Hope Airport. August 16, 2012. D. Beeke, T. Beeke. (Photographed)
3. (1) Old horse barns, Manning Park. May 24, 2010. J. Perrin. (Photographed)
2. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve. July 8, 2009. B & J. Clayton. (Photographed)
1. (1) Allison Pass summit, Manning Park. June 7, 2008. J. Vooys. (Field notes)

Brewer's Sparrow (7 records)
7. (1) Harrison Lagoon. September 8, 2013 . G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
6. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. May 30-31, 2013. R. Toochin, C. McDonald (Photographed, Field notes)
5. (1) Harrison Lagoon. September 12, 2012. R. Toochin, D. Beeke. (Photographed)
4. (1) Appel Rd, Agassiz. June 9, 2012. M. Brown (Field notes)
3. (1) Manning Park Lodge. May 23, 2012. D. Peppar (Photographed)
2. (1) Hope Airport. June 17, 2011. M. Brown. (Field notes)
1. (1) Kilby Provincial Park. June 4, 1984. Birds of B.C.

Lark Sparrow (11 records)
11. (1) Hope Airport. May 10, 2014. M. Robbins (Photographed)
10. (1) Hope Airport. June 9, 2012. D. Beeke (Photographed)
9. (1) Harrison Lagoon. May 15, 2011. T. Lenz (Field notes, Pers. comm.)
8. (1) Matsqui Flats, Abbotsford. June 30-July 1 2010. L. Mel (Photographed)
7. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve. September 2, 2007. B & J. Clayton (Photographed)
6. (1) Skagit River Valley. May 23, 1976. Birds of B.C.
5. (1) Mission. January 3, 1962. Birds of B.C.
4. (2) Hope. September 23, 1922. Birds of B.C.
3. (2) Chilliwack. Summer 1899. A. Brooks
2. (1) Chilliwack. Spring 1896. A. Brooks
1. (1) Chilliwack. May 21, 1889. A. Brooks

Black-throated Sparrow (3 records)
3. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. June 11, 2012. R. Toochin fide D. Beeke (Photographed)
2. (1) Front St, Yale. May 27, 2012. A. Gaffney (Photographed)
1. (1) Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford. June 8, 2007. S. Olson (Field notes)

Lark Bunting (2 records)
2. (1) Wolfe Road, Chilliwack. May 31, 2009. J. Freeman fide D. Knopp. (Field observation)
1. (1) Thurston Ranch, Chilliwack. August 1, 1906. Birds of B.C.

Grasshopper Sparrow (1 record)
1. (1) Hope Airport. May 24, 2012. R. Toochin, D. Beeke (Photographed)

Swamp Sparrow (14 records)
14. (1) Tuyttens Road, Agassiz. November 10, 2015 - January 25, 2016. G. Gadsden, P. Foth (Photographed, Field notes)
13. (1) Hope Airport, November 3, 2015. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
12. (2) Chehalis, Harrison Mills. December 17, 2013. D. Knopp. (Field notes)
11. (1) Thacker Regional Park, Hope. November 24 - December 11, 2013. M. Force. (Field observations)
10. (1) Lakemount Road, Sumas Prairie. October 30 - November 1, 2013. C. McDonald, J. Vooys & E. Klassen (Photographed)
9. (1) Lakemount Rd, Abbotsford. October 30 - November 1, 2013 . C. McDonald (Photographed)
8. (1-2) Great Blue Heron Reserve. November 14 - December 12, 2012. B & J. Clayton, G. Gadsden. (Photographed, Field notes).
7. (1) Cheam Wetlands. October 31- November 2, 2012. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
6. (1) Chilliwack Lake Rd. September 30, 2012. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
5. (1) Lakemount Rd, Abbotsford. December 7-19, 2011. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
4. (1) Island 22. November 2, 2010. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
3. (1) Thacker Regional Park. October 28, 2010. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
2. (1) Great Blue Heron Reserve. October 10-11, 2008.B & J Clayton, G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
1. (1) Camp River Slough. Late fall 2002. D. Bastaja. (Field observation)

Harris's Sparrow (16 records)
17. (1) Matsqui Trail. November 28 - December 2, 2015. R. Toochin, J. Vooys (Photographed)
16. (1) Fooks Road, Abbotsford. January 3-5, 2015. L. Jellicoe, E. Klassen (Photographed)
15. (1) Vye Road, Abbotsford. December 15 - 18, 2014. G.Gadsden (Photographed)
14. (1) Kitchen Rd, Chilliwack. December 15-31, 2013. M & S Toochin, J. Vooys and E. Klassen (Field notes, Photographed)
13. (1) Chilliwack. October 23, 2012. J. Friesen. (Photographed)
12. (1) Lakemount Rd, Abbotsford. January 15 - February 19, 2011. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
11. (1) Mt. Lehman, Abbotsford. December 26, 2008 - February 10, 2009. E. Klassen (Field notes)
10. (1) Chilliwack. December 20, 2008. J. Friesen. (Photographed)
9. (1) Greendale. April 22, 2008. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
8. (1) Island 22. January 17- February 15, 2008. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
7. (1) Higginson Rd, Chilliwack. January 3, 2006. J. Osterhold. (Field notes)
6. (1) Dewdney Dyke, Dewdney. June 29, 1998. B. Schmor. (Field notes)
5. (2) Columbia Valley. February 14- March 7, 1998. G. Gadsden (Field notes).
4. (1) Greendale. November 26-December 16, 1993. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
3. (1) Greendale. January 1-14, 1991. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
2. (1) Location not given. April, 1895. A. Brooks
1. (2) Location not given. January 9, 1895. A. Brooks (Specimen)

Green-tailed Towhee (1 record)
1. (1) Dyke Road, Abbotsford. June 4 - 6, 1997. Nanny Mulder ten Kate, C. Buis (Photographed)

Rustic Bunting (1 sight record)
1. (1) Hope Airport. May 5, 2002. T. Manson (Field notes)

- Tanagers and Grosbeaks -

Scarlet Tanager (2 records; both likely hypothetical as hybrids cannot be ruled out)
2. (1) Cheam Wetlands. August 8, 2007. G. Gadsden. (Field notes)
1. (1) Island 22, Chilliwack. September 13, 2006. J. Osterhold & G. Gadsden. (Photographed)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (8 records)
8. (1) Chilliwack River Valley, Chilliwack. May 10, 2014. B. Powlee (Photographed)
7. (1) Eagle Point Park, Harrison Mills. August 7, 2012. K. Stewart. (Photographed)
6. (1) Promontory Mountain, Chilliwack. June 4, 2012. (D. Salmon) (Photographed)
5. (1) Ryder Lake. June 1, 2011. J. Osterhold. (Field notes)
4. (1) Eagle Point Park, Harrison Mills. May 26-27, 2011. K. Stewart (Photographed)
3. (1) Eagle Point Park, Harrison Mills. August 11, 2010. K. Stewart (Photographed)
2. (1) Nahatlach River Valley. July 10, 2009. D Knopp. (Field notes).
1. (1) Sumallo Grove, Manning Park. June 12, 2009. M & B. McGrenere (Field notes).

Indigo Bunting (4 records)
4. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. May 30-31, 2013. R. Toochin, C. McDonald (Photographed)
3. (1) Cheam Lake. July 11, 2004. I. Orosi. (Field notes)
2. (1) Seabird Island. May 19, 2002. Mrs. Hawk fide D. Knopp. (Field observation)
1. (1) Seabird Island. June 23, 1968. D. Cannings

Dickcissel (1 record)
1. (1) Hope Airport. June 1, 2013. J & L McFetridge (Field notes)

Painted Bunting (1 record)
1. (1) Wells Rd, Chilliwack. October 15, 1983. D. Knopp (Photographed)

- Blackbirds and Orioles -

Bobolink (5 records)
5. (1) Delair Farm, Hope. May 14, 2014. J. Delair (Field observation)
4, (1) Hope Airport. May 30, 2013. R. Toochin fide D. Beeke (Photographed)
3. (2) Delair Farm, Hope. July 6, 2012. J & A Grass (Field notes)
2. (2) Delair Farm, Hope. Summer 1980's. J. Delair (Field observations)
1. (2) Agassiz. June 21, 1976. Birds of B.C.

Rusty Blackbird (9 records)
9. (2) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. February 21 - March 11, 2016. D. Beeke, G. Gadsden (Photographed)
10. (1) North Parallel Road, Abbotsford. December 9, 2014 - January 27, 2015. J. Vooys, E. Klassen (Photographed)
9. (1) Ballam Road, Chilliwack. January 4, 2015. D. Beeke (Photographed)
8. (1) Harrison Mills. February 24 - March 19, 2014. K. Stewart (Photographed)
7. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. February 13, 2014. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
6. (1) Chilliwack Central Road, Chilliwack. January 14 - 22, 2014. G. Gadsden (Photographed)
5. (2) Island 22. October 21-26, 2012. C. McDonald, G. Gadsden. (Photographed)
4. (1) Hargitt Road, Abbotsford. January 2, 2010. I. Povalyaev. (Field notes)
3. (1) Thacker Marsh, Hope. March 7, 2008. T. Manson. (Field notes)
2. (1) Wellsline and McDerrmot Roads, Sumas Prairie. Nov 19, 2007. E. Klassen (Field notes)
1. (3) Island 22. October 4-20, 2007. G. Gadsden. (Photographed)

Common Grackle (1 record)
1. (1) Eagle Point Park. July 10, 2012. K. Stewart. (Photographed)

Hooded Oriole (4 records)
4. (1) Broadway Street, Chilliwack. May 5-6, 2015. C. Baird (Photographed)
3. (1) Eagle Point Park. May 31, 2006. K. Stewart (Field notes)
2. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. July 3. 2003. T. Manson (Field notes)
1. (1) Cheam Lake Wetlands, Popkum. June 23, 2002. T. Manson (Field notes).

Baltimore Oriole (1 record)
1. Chilliwack. June 11, 1927. A. Brooks (Specimen)

- Finches -

Brambling (1 record)
1. (1) Greendale, Chilliwack. May 2003. T. Manson (Field observation)

Hoary Redpoll (2 records)
2. (1) Hope Airport. February 10, 2012. C. McDonald. (Photographed, Field notes)
1. (1) Skagit Valley. Winter 2002. J. Osterhold, T. Kohler (Field observation)

Lesser Goldfinch (2 records)
2. (1) Ross Road, Abbotsford. Late December 2015 - March 31, 2016. C. Buis (Photographed, video)
1. (1) Topaz Road, Abbotsford. June 11- August 21, 2008. S. Olson. (Photographed)


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